
Therapy and Wellness provide Bespoke Mindfulness Courses for Individuals, Couples or groups including corporate workshops.

We can create Mindfulness workshops and courses to suit your needs. For more information please feel free to contact us, where we can discuss your requirements further.


 Mindfulness is about being more aware of yourself, others and the world around you - in each moment.

Renowned mindfulness teacher Jon Kabat-Zinn defines mindfulness as ‘the awareness that arises from paying attention, on purpose, in the present moment and non-judgementally.’

 Mindfulness training changes you. People who are more mindful have higher levels of emotional intelligence, improved relationships, and reduced levels of stress.  They discover a natural state of mind in which they are focused, present and aware. They have more sustained attention, greater emotional regulation and an increased ability to adopt different perspectives.

 When you're more mindful you're more open to new ideas, finding an increase in your creativity and an enhanced sense of purpose.

 Studies show that mindfulness courses and training increase working memory capacity. That's essential for helping you make good decisions. It helps you to respond more and react less and it opens up more choice in how you go about things. 

 And it's open to all - anybody can practice mindfulness.

 There's a considerable body of research that speaks of the effectiveness of mindfulness training in a wide variety of contexts.

NICE, the UK’s National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence, recommends mindfulness and meditation as a frontline treatment for certain conditions. It's equally life enhancing for those living busy lives who feel they have more to offer. Mindfulness is for everyone.